Saturday, June 30, 2007

Back From Interviews!

Ruston returned from Salt Lake on Tuesday and reported that his interviews went very well. Time at the U of U was short and might not have enabled him as much time as he had hoped for, but he loved going back to the VA (he worked there for three years before dental school) and catching up with old friends. In fact, I think he felt a bit like a mini-celebrity with the amount of attention that was stirred up as he walked into the clinic. He said both programs were great and now we just have to wait (till January - gulp!) to find out if he gets accepted anywhere. When we go to Oregon next month Ruston plans to swing by the Portland VA and offer a quick interview or at least introduce himself. Portland doesn't even begin interviewing until December! Our other back-up plans include various hospitals around Cleveland. It wouldn't be our favorite choice, but continuing education is important and we'll go where the job offers are.

Elli and I kept busy while Ruston was gone. We went babysitting most days and ran errands on the other ones. Unfortunately, I'm not done being morning sick yet - with this last week being even worse than before. I really thought I'd be all done by now, but I guess this baby is really making me work for it. The debate is still open whether or not we will find out the gender of the baby. I totally understand the reasons for finding out: born two weeks after Christmas = gender-specific presents, helping Elli prepare for the change, and of course simply keeping all grandmas happy. But I really liked not knowing with Elli, it was exciting. So we'll have to see. I'm open to persuasion, but I'm not making any promises yet!

Elli has been her usual sweet self this week. She seems to pick up a new word every day. She now recognizes and can say the color blue - just blue, nothing else! She's discovered macaroni & cheese and loves it. She calls them "doodles". And she's starting to get a little more defiant when she isn't getting her way, nothing too bad though. Overall a pretty fantastic little girl!

Three and a half weeks till we go to Oregon! We love you all and hope you are having a great week!

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