Saturday, April 17, 2010

Yes!! It's a baby!!

Hello and thanks to my four faithful blog readers who commented on the previous post. It's nice to know I have a few friends! There are still some members of our family I haven't heard a congratulations from - but then they didn't remember my birthday either. Oh well, I guess that's life.

Anyway, we are proud to announce that after trying for almost a year and a half I am finally pregnant! I'm due November 11th (right before Elli's birthday) which puts me about 10 weeks right now. I'm feeling good, pretty nauseous (is that how it's spelled?) but not much throwing up - not that it makes it any less annoying to be sick. People like to throw around experiences of how many weeks they threw up every single doesn't make me feel any better. Sick is sick!! But knowing how long we have wanted this baby makes every miserable moment worth it and I try not to complain too much.

We told Elli and she was excited. But then we mentioned that Grandma Tracie might be coming to visit too when the baby was born and she literally got up and started dancing and singing. She was so excited I almost wondered whether she even caught the part about the baby. But later she informed me that if it's a boy it will be named Max and if it's a girl it should be Ruby (Ruby & Max cartoons are her favorite right now). I told her Daddy would choose as always, but that she could give him as many ideas as she wanted.

This does bring up some interesting details about where we should be living in 7 months. Somehow three kids in one room seems awful tight. I know, I know, people have done it before and Joseph Smith shared a bedroom with his whole family - but that doesn't mean I want to! I'm still evaluating my feelings to see what will be best for our family - along with feelings I have to counteract all the raging hormones and then add in a pinch of praticality. So, needless to say this might be a hard decision to make.

So what else can I write about? The weather is getting nicer and my flowers are starting to look really nice. I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of a new nephew - check out Aaron and Becky's blog to see if thier little baby Max (his real name - not named after a cartoon bunny!) has arrived. I'll post new pictures soon. I'm too tired for now and I think I want a little icecream...and maybe some pickles! Hooray!! I'm pregnant!!


Roukema Family said...

Yea! We love the name Max too! So happy for you guys. You will figure out the housing situation. We will be moving the month before I am due, into Peter's parents' house. Great!?!? Congrats, congrats!

Michal Thompson said...

Hurray for babies

Natalie Walker said...


CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am thrilled for you! Just last night I was talking to Shawn about how LONG AGO life in Utopia seems. We were talking about hot tubbing at the Hawthorne appartments and I was thinking of you and Ruston and our other friends. Good luck with the housing situation. I recommend fasting (not for you, you're pregnant- HURRAY! - but maybe Ruston instead); fasting always seems to work when something big is on our horizon. I hope you feel better soon. I agree with you - sick is sick, whether you throw up or not.

Lots of love,

Unknown said...

Alesha!! Congrats!!! I hope you get to feeling better soon, but you are so right about it being worth it. Your family is so cute! It's great to hear that you are doing so well! love ya

Becky said...

Alesha - Congrats again! I wish we lived closer and could help you out with the morning sickness stuff. It was hard for me not to complain about it when we tried for so long. I had to remember to be grateful that I was pregnant. I can totally sympathize with you though. The housing situation will work out. Even if it doesn't right away- you'll probably have that baby in your room (maybe not) for the first little bit anyways. Good luck with everything!!

Jandi said...

Congratulations Alesha!!! I'm so happy for you guys!!! I love that Ruston always chooses the name. Kenny would love that priviledge! :)
I hope you're startling to feel a little better soon. Morning sickness is no fun!!! Love you!

The Kalke Family said...

Congratulations! You'll have to keep posted what you guys are having. We're excited to hear. Larry's said you guys got an offer on your house out here. Have you heard if the bank will accept it yet?