Thursday, November 10, 2011

Elli's loses a tooth!

A few weeks back, Elli bit down on a plum pit and knocked her two bottom teeth loose. Luckily having a dentist for a daddy, Ruston took an x-ray and decided that one of the teeth would heal up because the next tooth wasn't ready for awhile, but the other one was on it's way! So Elli has been wiggling that one like crazy. Just the other day she showed us where the new tooth was coming up and she was ready for the baby tooth to be gone. Last night she gave up her bedtime story if Ruston would pull her tooth. So he did. He counted to three, but being tricky pulled it on two and the tooth was out. Elli wanted to take it to show and tell today so she said we couldn't let the tooth fairy take it yet. Luckily again, Daddy has the tooth fairy on speed dial and he said that he would call her and fill her in on the details! She was so happy! Hooray for Elli!

Cami's Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Cami! We celebrated Cami's birthday with pizza and blueberry muffins with cream cheese. (Ruston and I don't like cake or frosting!) She opened one gift from Grandma and Papa and then the girls gave her some of their older toys from when they were one. Grandma and Papa also gave some money toward her charity birthday and we did too. It was a fun night. Just perfect for a one-year old!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cami Turns One!

As many of you know, Cami will turn one this weekend. She is happy, healthy and absolutely adorable. I have given a lot of thought into what exactly a one year old wants or needs - nothing comes to mind. With big sisters to give hand-me-downs in both toys and clothes, Cami doesn't need anything.

Finally tonight, I heard about a terrific idea: a charity birthday party. This year in lieu of gifts we will collect donations for a charity. We wanted it to be something special to our family so we selected the JDRF - Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Cami's cousin Janson was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes just months before his second birthday. His life and his family's was changed forever. We love Janson very much and hope that someday this terrible disease will be no more.

During November, if you choose to think of Cami, please consider sending a gift of charity instead of a gift to her. You can send donations to me by mail at:

Cami's 1st Birthday
3827 Tattletale Ln.
Ontario, OR 97914

All donations received by Nov. 14th that are submitted through (American Diabetes Association) will be DOUBLED by that organization. I'm checking to see if the JDRF will match donations too. They might not, so we will have to wait and see when they email me back. We would rather give to JDRF, although both are very good causes. Keep checking back to see if I've heard anything over the next few days.

Lots of love and gratitude,

p.s. I just found out that November is American Diabetes Month. Just another reason to give to a great cause!